Child Program – Phase 1

Course Information

SleepTalk empowers parents to improve and balance their child’s behaviour, the positive downline, ramifications of change and calmness that it creates filter throughout the entire family.

It’s a simple, non-intrusive process to develop your child’s emotional resistance. It’s like the mind’s firewall, protecting it against negative suggestions and developing the child’s sense of self-worth.

I like to call it the two-minute gift with changes that last a lifetime. It’s easy to learn and takes around two minutes each evening. It’s important, though, that you follow the detailed process correctly. And it’s a safe and proven process with positive effects. It’s been in use for more than 40 years now.

And it’s a powerful self-help program that works, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, developing positive self-confidence and empowering the child to manage to improve and balance their behaviour, anxiety and relationships.

Start Here

SleepTalk Explained

SleepTalk Phases

SleepTalk Method

SleepTalk Week 1-4

SleepTalk Week 5